SARDINES - Opening Night

The countdown is finally over - tomorrow is opening night for "SARDINES", our degree show at the University of Leeds. After months of tireless work, countless sacrifices, and more than a few headaches, we're just hours away from unveiling our labor of love to the world.

It feels like a lifetime ago when we started preparing for this exhibition. We've poured our blood, sweat, and tears into transforming this raw space into a curated showcase displaying the works of 43 emerging artists. From the feverish bouts of late-night painting and installation struggles, to the endless committee meetings and marketing pushes, every step of this journey has tested our grit and commitment.

Progress photos of studio floor painting, images by me.

I vividly remember the frustration when the freshly painted floors were accidentally trampled on, the headaches caused by no-shows at meetings, and the nail-biting moment when we caught a massive typo on the promotional materials at the last second. Challenges seemed to lurk around every corner, yet our artists tackled each one head-on, rallying together with a shared determination to make this show something to be proud of.

Rhiannon Piper installing ‘The Artist’, Images by me.

As I look around at the finished product, I can't help but beam with pride. What started as well loved and messy walls has morphed into an eclectic, visually arresting experience that spotlights the incredible diversity of our mediums and creative voices. We've crafted intimate spaces, showstopping centerpieces, and subtle details that add layers of depth.

While putting the finishing touches on our exhibition feels surreal, there's also a sense of melancholy knowing this journey is coming to an end. For years, this studio has been our second home - a sacred space for artistic exploration, emotional vulnerability, and personal growth. The bonds we've forged over countless studio nights, critique sessions, and welcome distractions will be cherished forever.

Yet as we prepare to open the doors tomorrow night, relief and excitement wash over me. After pushing ourselves to the limits, we finally get to share our passion projects with the world. I can't wait to soak in the moments of awe and amazement as visitors experience the incredible works we've created. This showcase is a culmination of our academic years, but also just the start of our artistic careers.

Sneak peak of Red Studio, images by me.

Wherever this wild ride takes us next, I'll always look back on "SARDINES" as the exhibition that challenged us, brought us together, and unleashed our creative spirits in glorious fashion. Months of blood, sweat, and tears led to this - our dream show is coming to life.

If you'd like to experience the culmination of our journey first-hand, we invite you to join us for the private viewing opening night tomorrow evening at 6pm. Come celebrate with us as we officially unveil "SARDINES" to the world!

See poster below for further details:


SARDINES: The Finale


Sardines Exhibition - Coming Soon!